Access and getting started with iThenticate

HDRs are automatically enrolled in the first 4-6 weeks of their candidature and will receive an email confirmation of this containing a link and log in details. Your iThenticate username will be the address this email is sent to.

Staff can arrange for an iThenticate account by emailing Please include your first and last name, and the version of the La Trobe email address you would prefer to have as your username in the body of the email (e.g. or Only a La Trobe account can be assigned as a username. Your account will be created within 10 business days. Once your account has been created you will receive an email from with the subject line ‘iThenticate Account Created’ which will contain a link to the software and your log in details.

Note: iThenticate accounts which have been inactive for more than 12 months will be closed but can be reinstated.

Do not use the ‘Sign Up’ link on the iThenticate home page. You will be charged an access fee which cannot be refunded by La Trobe, and may experience problems later with your La Trobe account.

Log into iThenticate here or by cutting and pasting the url into your browser. Your username is your La Trobe email address (e.g. If you do not know your password use the “Forgot Password” link on the iThenticate log in page.