Our members

Academic members

Name Position Telephone Email
Dr. John Morgan Head of Department Environment & Genetics 03 9479 2226 J.Morgan@latrobe.edu.au
Professor Nick Bond Prof. FW Ecol. & Dir of CFE/Theme Lead 02 6024 9640 N.Bond@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Ewen Silvester Associate Professor 02 6024 9878 E.Silvester@latrobe.edu.au
Professor Michael Clarke Emeritus Professor 03 9479 1122 M.Clarke@latrobe.edu.au
Professor Ashley Franks Pro Vice-Chancellor (Res Capability) 03 9479 2206 A.Franks@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Heloise Gibb Professor 03 9479 2278 H.Gibb@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Pete Green Associate Professor 03 9479 3675 P.Green@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Susan Hoebee Senior Lecturer 03 9479 2274 S.Hoebee@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. John Lesku Associate Professor in Zoology 03 9479 1427 J.Lesku@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Nick Murphy Senior Lecturer 03 9479 2534 N.Murphy@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Richard Peters Associate Professor 03 9479 2234 Richard.Peters@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Ryan Phillips Senior Lecturer 03 9479 6674 R.Phillips@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Jim Radford Assoc Prof Teaching Res Ecolg Enviro 03 5444 7206 J.Radford@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Kylie Robert Associate Professor 03 9479 1876 K.Robert@latrobe.edu.au
Professor John Webb Emeritus Professor 03 9479 1273 John.Webb@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Jen Wood Senior Lecturer in Microbiology 03 9479 1983 Jen.Wood@latrobe.edu.au

Research fellows

Name Position Telephone Email
Dr. David Deane Research Officer - DECRA D.Deane@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Katherine Harrisson Research Fellow K.Harrisson@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Angie Haslem Research Fellow A.Haslem@latrobe.edu.au
Alex Maisey Research Officer Ecosystem Services A.Maisey@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Fred Rainsford Research Officer Biodiversity F.Rainsford@latrobe.edu.au