Electron Microscopy

Core resources for transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EM sample preparation are now available to researchers through the Bioimaging Platform. Advanced TEM techniques available include tomography, scanning TEM (STEM) and cryo-TEM.



Transmission electron microscopy

Jeol JEM-2100 TEM

The Jeol JEM-2100 is a 200 kV transmission electron microscope equipped with two Gatan digital cameras for widefield or high resolution imaging. Advanced options available on this microscope include tomography and scanning TEM (STEM).  Cryo-TEM, for imaging of frozen hydrated specimens is also available. Recent projects: imaging of protein nanocrystals, complexes and fibrils, virus particles, extracellular vesicles. Resolution in the micron to sub-nanometer range.

Cryo-TEM equipment

An FEI Vitrobot is available for semi-automated preparation of frozen hydrated specimens for cryo-TEM. A Gatan 626 cryo specimen holder and SmartSet workstation enable transfer of frozen samples into the TEM.

Scanning electron microscopy

Hitachi SU7000 Field Emission SEM

The Hitachi SU7000 is a high performance scanning electron microscope equipped with secondary, backscatter and STEM detectors. Featuring:

  • Oxford EDS for microanalysis
  • ConnectomX Katana for serial block face 3D imaging
  • Cryo stage and cryo/inert atmosphere transfer system.
  • Automated wide area montaging
  • Up to 6 simultaneous signals

Hitachi TM3030Plus Tabletop SEM

The TM3030Plus is a compact variable pressure benchtop SEM with optional 5 or 15 kV accelerating voltages and BSE and SE detectors for imaging. The instrument is additionally fitted with a Bruker elemental dispersive X ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector and Quantax software for element mapping. Can be used effectively with many fresh samples (e.g. pollen, seeds, insects).

Hitachi TM4000 Tabletop SEM

A simple to use workhorse for low power SEM imaging that is quick and easy to use. It features an electronic stage and improved sample navigation tools.


We support researchers with equipment training and can assist with project planning, basic and advanced microscopy techniques and digital image analysis. Contact us and arrange for a tour to see what facilities are available or schedule a meeting to discuss your project.

Training and equipment bookings

To use the equipment researchers should arrange for instrument-specific training with the facility manager. Training is designed to enable users to operate the instruments competently and obtain publication quality data. Trained users can book equipment and view availability.


For more information about accessing this capability, please contact:

Dr Julian Ratcliffe
Electron Microscopist
T: +61 3 9479 3349
E: J.Ratcliffe@latrobe.edu.au