Supporting graduate researchers

Dr Alicja Malicka tells us about the graduate research experience in the School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport

Dr Alicja Malicka is the Director of Graduate Research in the School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport and Deputy Chair of the Board of Graduate Research at La Trobe University.

“Leading the graduate research portfolio in the School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport enables me to influence and shape the experience of graduate researchers, the aspect of academic intellectual culture I am particularly passionate about,” says Dr Malicka.

The School offers graduate research programs to approximately 200 students conducting research across nine different disciplines and three research centers. Every year several competitive research scholarships are offered to attract the most talented candidates and support them financially for the duration of the degree.

“Our students are embedded in a high performing but supportive research culture. Our research students have access to world class facilities and supervision provided by leading experts in their respective fields,” says Dr Malicka.

“The team of passionate graduate research coordinators ensures that there are discipline related research activities and events for students. On a School level, we offer research seminars, the 3MT competition and a Graduate Research Conference. The La Trobe Research Education and Development team ensures that student have access to range of developmental programs tailored to students’ needs”

“I personally, had a fantastic PhD experience and, with a support from our School community, we hope to create the same for our students. We are proud to see our student contribution to the ongoing research success of our School and the University.”

Find out more about the School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport. Visit our website and LinkedIn.