Preparing industry ready cybersecurity graduates

La Trobe and EC-Council are partnering to embed industry-leading certifications into La Trobe’s cybersecurity programs

La Trobe University is partnering with globally recognised cybersecurity certification body, EC-Council, to embed industry-leading certifications into La Trobe’s cybersecurity programs. The partnership aims to prepare career-ready graduates for the industry in Australia and globally.

Through access to EC-Council’s largest repository of cybersecurity content and labs, La Trobe students will gain important knowledge and critical skills that are in demand by employers. Additionally, students are eligible for subsidised or reduced fees for EC-Council certifications.

The initiative aligns with the Australian Government’s commitment to mitigate cybersecurity risk. ‘Growth and innovation of cybersecurity education’ is also among the five policies listed in Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy.

“The collaboration aligns with our curriculum design philosophy, that course content should be industry relevant and job ready,” says Professor Henry Duh, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.

“By incorporating EC-Council’s certification, La Trobe’s cybersecurity students will further enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.”

“This is an important industry-academia collaboration led by Wissen, EC-Council’s exclusive distributor for Australia, to bring EC-Council cybersecurity certifications to the students at La Trobe,” adds Sean Lim, Chief Revenue Officer, EC-Council. “The partnership will benefit students by allowing them to gain specialised skills in cybersecurity and acquire leading positions in the Australian cybersecurity industry.”

About EC-Council
EC-Council's sole purpose is to globally build and refine the cybersecurity profession. We help the individual and we also help organizations, educators, and governments address global workforce problems by developing and curating world-class cybersecurity education programs and certifications while also providing cybersecurity services to some of the largest businesses around the world.

Find out more about how you can study cybersecurity on our website. Find out more about the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.