Regional students choose dentistry in droves
Regional students choose La Trobe's dentistry courses in droves
Climate change threatens billion-dollar industry
Climate change threatens billion-dollar tourism industry
Shift work causes out of sync breastmilk hormone
Shift work may cause out of sync breastmilk hormones
Siblings among newest Rural Medical Pathway cohort
Siblings among La Trobe's newest Rural Medical Pathway cohort
Sleep services should move to the country
Sleep services should follow city-dwellers' move to the country
Innovation redefines the rural nurse of today
First sod turned to expand La Trobe's Nursing Simulation Suite
Funding disparity disadvantages rural residents
Funding disparity disadvantages rural residents
The power of AI in boosting rural health
The power of AI in boosting rural health
Palliative care nurses disadvantaged by distance
Research reveals gaps in palliative care knowledge among rural nurses