Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program (MD-WERP)

The Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program is an Australian Government initiative to strengthen scientific knowledge of the Murray–Darling Basin.

It is designed to help inform water and environment management decisions which will improve outcomes for the Basin and its communities.

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority, Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water have identified four priority themes to be the focus of the strategic research component of the Murray–Darling Water and Environment Research Program:

La Trobe University has been engaged to deliver Theme 3 (Environmental Outcomes) and Theme 4 (Social, Economic and Cultural Outcomes) - collaborative proposal with Griffith University, Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN), Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN), Institute for Development of Environmental Economic Accounting Group (IDEEA Group) – Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA).

You can read more about this project here.

Project Summary

Duration: 2021-2024

Funding body: Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Project contacts: Professor Nick Bond