Bomb threat

If you are close to where the alleged device is located, ensure that all mobile phones in the area are turned off.

On receipt of telephoned bomb threats

  • Remain calm and do not do or say anything that may encourage irrational behaviour.
  • If possible refer to the bomb threat checklist (DOC 28KB).
  • Keep the caller talking (do not hang up) as this may assist in tracing the call, but do not agitate the caller.
  • If possible attract someone's attention and request that they notify your campus security/emergency response.
  • Note as many details as possible including:
    • exact wording of the threat
    • background noises
    • characteristics of caller's voice (gender, accent, delivery, speech defects, manner and estimate of age)
    • ask for the location of the device, no matter how general
    • ask for the time of detonation.
  • When the call has ended, secure the phone to prevent any call being made on it.
  • If not done previously notify your campus security/emergency response or your building warden. Also notify your supervisor.
  • Complete the bomb threat checklist (DOC 28KB) as soon as possible after the call.

On receipt of written (including fax) bomb threats

  • Remain calm
  • Minimise handling of the envelope and document containing the threat
  • If possible place the documents into plastic pockets or bags to preserve the evidence
  • Notify your campus security/emergency response.

On receipt of an email bomb threat

Procedure diagram

See also