
Defibrillators are located at all University campuses.

Campus locations

  • Agrio Bio building - ground floor main reception
  • AT Theatre & Cinema - alarmed cabinet in food court
  • Biological Sciences 1 - Level 1 Corridor between BS2 and RLR. Next to Room 131
  • Beth Gleeson/PS1&PS2 - level 3 (intersection of all 3 buildings)
  • David Myers building - foyer level 3
  • ED2 Building - Foyer level 2
  • George Singer building - level 2 kitchen room
  • Health Science Clinic - foyer
  • HS2 - foyer - level 1
  • HS3 - foyer - level 2 - Near Stairwell
  • HS3 - Level 3 - Outside Room 325
  • Jenny Graves Building Level 1 foyer
  • Library - room behind ASK La Trobe Help Zone
  • LIMS 1 - level 1
  • Martin Building - level 1 outside entrance to Lecture Theatre MAR-141
  • Menzies College - service office - level 1
  • NR6 - foyer-ground level
  • Security - central control office,& mobile units
  • Sports Centre - Level 1 Gym Supervisor Office
  • Sports Centre - Level 2 Admin Office
  • Sports Stadium - first aid room
  • Sylvia Walton - corridor opposite lifts - level 1
  • Sylvia Walton - common area - level 3
  • Union Building – outside Union Hall opposite the main entrance
  • Union Building – Level 2 (Ground Floor) foyer opposite lift
  • Wildlife Sanctuary - staff office

  • Level 2 - outside rooms 2.23B & 2.23C

  • BUS building
  • CHR Room 112 - Sports Field Portable Unit
  • Engineering building - foyer - level 1
  • Engineering building - reception - level 2
  • Hillside Apartment - common room
  • HHS1 building - upper entrance
  • LSU building - ground level
  • Orde House
  • Robert Holmes Villages
  • Security Office
  • Sports Centre
  • Art Gallery -121 View Street-off campus
  • Clinical teaching building (CT) 109 Arnold Street - off campus

  • AW-1 Library - level 1
  • AW-6 Theatre - foyer
  • AW-8 building - field units x2
  • MH1 - Accommodation - level 1 kitchen area

  • BGR building - Theatre - foyer entrance
  • BGR building - Centre of Freshwater Ecosystems
  • Residential House - 1 Tower Gardens

  • Admin Hub - reception
  • 151 Fryers Street - Nursing Lab Level 2 Room 101
  • Residential House - 42 Gum Road

  • Foyer Area