Academic Board Committees - Expressions of Interest

Academic Board and its Committees - Expressions of Interest

Vacancies on Academic Board - Indigenous Student Members

There are two positions available for Indigenous student membership of Academic Board – one for a coursework student and one for a graduate research candidate.  The terms of office are to 31 December 2024.

Academic Board is the primary body for academic governance and academic decision-making at the University.  The Board advises the Vice-Chancellor and University Council on issues that affect academic excellence. It provides a forum for information and debate within the University and is responsible for policy on matters such as admissions, assessment, teaching, student conduct, research, scholarships and, academic appointments and promotion.

A call for expressions of interest was made on Tuesday 11 June 2024.  Expressions of interest should be no more than one page, outline your interest in the role and any relevant experience or skills you would bring to the role.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to and must be received by close of business on Tuesday 25 June 2024. Late expressions of interest cannot be considered.

Vacancy - Research and Graduate Studies Committee

A vacancy exists for the position of Senior Indigenous Researcher on Research and Graduate Studies Committee, a standing committee of the Academic Board.  The term of office is to 31 December 2026.

Research and Graduate Studies Committee considers and advises Academic Board on matters relating to policies and strategic directions for research and research training; monitors policy compliance, ethical conduct, quality and standards of research and research training; monitors the (dis)establishment and renewal of Research Centres and Institutes and the development and implementation of the University’s Research Strategy.

A call for expressions of interest was sent to eligible staff on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Expressions of interest should be no more than one page, and outline your interest in the position and detail your experience in research or ethics.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to and must be received by close of business on Tuesday 25 June 2024. Late expressions of interest cannot be considered.

Casual Vacancy - Academic Board Executive Committee

There is currently one casual vacancy for an Academic Board member on Academic Board Executive Committee.

Academic Board Executive Committee co-ordinates the work of the Policy Sub-Committees of Academic Board and identifies key academic matters related to academic quality that should be brought to the attention of the Board, and reviews requests for out-of-session approval from Policy Sub-committees.

The term of office is for the remainder of the previous member's term - to 31 December 2024.

A call for expressions of interest was made to all Academic Board members on Thursday 6 June 2024.

Expressions of interest should be no more than one page, and outline your interest in the position and detail the skills and/or experience you would bring to the role.

Expressions of Interest should be emailed to and must be received by close of business on Thursday 20 June 2024.   Late expressions of interest cannot be considered.

Selection of members will be undertaken by Academic Board Executive Committee, taking into consideration the skills mix, diversity and geographical location of the existing members of Academic Board or the Committee. Recommendations will then be made to Academic Board for approval. If Academic Board Executive Committee considers that there are no suitable nominees, a further call for expressions of interest may be made.

Calls for expressions of interest in membership of the following committees are made in October/November each year.

Coursework Committee

Coursework Committee considers proposals for new or substantially changed courses, new instances of existing courses, and closure or suspension of courses and makes recommendations to Academic Board regarding approvals. The Committee also considers reports of academic course reviews, including monitoring progress on key recommendations.

Membership on Coursework Committee will increase your understanding of the factors influencing the development and revision of course proposals, academic governance and the implementation of the Higher Education Standards Framework and associated Australian Qualifications Framework.  The Committee meets for two hours nine times each year.

Education Committee

Education Committee provides advice to Academic Board on curriculum, teaching and learning, credit and admissions policies, quality and performance, including student lifecycle data, and quality improvement initiatives and their impact, and provides advice to Academic Board on the strategic direction, priorities, and the University’s Teaching and Learning Plan.

Membership on Education Committee provides opportunities to contribute to University strategies in learning and teaching and student support.  Membership also provides opportunities to interact with colleagues from different areas and share/learn from best practice in all aspects of the student lifecycle.  The Committee meets for two hours six times each year.

Research and Graduate Studies Committee

Research and Graduate Studies Committee considers and advises Academic Board on research and research training policy development and review, monitoring research related quality and standards, the establishment, disestablishment and renewal of Research Centres and Institutes, and the development and implementation of the University’s Research Strategy.

Membership on Research and Graduate Studies Committee will increase understanding of the regulatory environment which governs research nationally and provide opportunities to contribute to University strategies for research and research training.  The Committee meets for two hours five times each year.

Board of Graduate Research

The Board of Graduate Research advises and makes recommendations to the Research and Graduate Studies Committee and Academic Board on strategy and governance in graduate research training and degrees across the University.

Membership on the Board of Graduate Research provides an opportunity to contribute to recommendations relating to research training strategic objectives, graduate research related policies, and the development of new research education and training programs and other opportunities for enhancement of the University’s research training activities.