Our commitment to ESG in Procurement

When making purchase decisions, La Trobe University considers Environmental, Social and Governance factors (ESG).

Responsible procurement is the act of purchasing goods or services in a way that considers social, ethical and sustainability factors. The University has measures in place to support responsible procurement, which reflects its commitment to ethical purchasing, environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion. This commitment is particularly focused on aligning with the University's responsibilities and obligations in the following areas:

  • environmental sustainability
  • labour and human rights principles, including the risk of modern slavery in supply chains
  • diversity, inclusion and accessibility
  • supporting the business and entrepreneurial endeavours of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
  • supporting the business and entrepreneurial endeavours of Social Enterprises
  • data privacy and data security
  • corporate governance and ethical business practices
  • wellbeing, health and safety of all employees, contractors, consultants and students.

University fleet system

The University provides:

  • Pool vehicles
  • Carshare vehicles
  • Departmental vehicles

The University Vehicle Fleet Policy sets out the requirements of vehicle selection. Where possible, all vehicles leased or purchased must be hybrid-electric or other alternative fuels such as pure electric and hydrogen fuel cell. At the end of 2023, the University has 16 EVs across three campuses available to staff.

Recycled paper

The University has made the transition to white 100 per cent recycled post consumer waste paper. Post consumer waste is used paper (newspapers, magazines, documents, printed pages) from offices and homes that is recycled back into quality usable paper, reducing human consumption of natural resources.

A change to recycled paper is a simple and efficient way the University can minimise its environmental impact and benefit the wider community.

Modern Slavery

The University seeks to engage with suppliers who are committed to respecting and protecting human rights within their own organisations and supply chains.

Read our Modern Slavery statements