Research Infrastructure Grants

There are a range of internal and external fundings available to support the development of research infrastructure capabilities at La Trobe University. These funds are available for purchasing new infrastructure, upgrading existing capabilities or replacing broken equipment.

Prior to submitting an application for research infrastructure funding researchers are encouraged to check the LIEF Register that summarises the infrastructure, equipment and facilities which have been funded under the LIEF scheme.

Annual Competitive Internal Grant Scheme

An annual internal research infrastructure grant scheme is available to support our researchers for the purchase of research assets over $5,000.

Researchers are encouraged to consider external funding or collaborations with colleagues at other universities where the required equipment may already be available, prior to applying for the internal grant.

For equipment valued over $150,000, external funding, such as LIEF grants, must be sought. More information about the LIEF grants can be found at the end of this page.

  1. Each year the Office of Research Infrastructure will put out a call for proposals.
  2. Researchers must first check that the equipment is not already available within the University using the Research Equipment Database (La Trobe login required)
  3. Discuss their equipment needs with the Director, Research Infrastructure.
  4. Complete the Research Infrastructure Application Form [DOC 44KB] (La Trobe staff intranet login required)
  5. Have the applications endorsed by their school's Associate Dean, Research & Industry Engagement.
  6. Submit the application form and endorsement as a single PDF to the Director, Research Infrastructure.

For enquiries, please contact us

Out-of-session Capital Funding

During the course of the year, purchase of new infrastructure may be required to meet immediate research needs resulting from a number of circumstances (e.g. replacement of broken equipment, additional equipment to meet increased demand, appointment of new staff with specific research needs).

For these urgent needs, researchers can follow the out-of-session capital funding process to seek support for the purchase of research infrastructure (which must be valued in excess of $5,000).

  1. Researchers should first check that the equipment is not already available within the University using the Research Equipment Database (La Trobe login required)
  2. Discuss their needs with the Director, Research Infrastructure (DRI)
  3. Applicant completes the Research Infrastructure Application Form [DOC 44KB] (La Trobe staff intranet login required).
  4. Have the applications endorsed by their school’s Associate Dean, Research & Industry Engagement.
  5. Submit the completed form and endorsement as a single pdf to the DRI.
  6. DRI seeks endorsement from the Provost.
  7. DRI advises the PVC (Research Capability), recommending the proposed level of central support for the purchase.
  8. PVC (Research Capability) considers the use of capital funding towards the purchase of requested research infrastructure.

ARC-LIEF Grant Scheme

Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) scheme provides funding of between $150,000 per year and up to 75 per cent of the total direct cost of the eligible budget items, for large-scale infrastructure, equipment and facilities which can be shared between higher education organisations and also with industry.

LIEF grant applications are typically submitted to the ARC prior to April, however, preparations for an application should commence at least a year prior to their submission. Researchers should first discuss their needs with the Director, Research Infrastructure.

Applications for the next round of funding close on the 9 April 2025. For relevant dates, please visit the ARC Grants Calendar.

Further information from the ARC is available: