
We aim to make resources and services available that can provide you with help and information about Digital Research.

Digital Research Support - a collaboration

Digital research services and support at La Trobe University are provided by a small team, in collaboration with internal and external partners.

Researchers can get advice about digital research, including: the technology and services available, planning your research projects, the data management lifecycle, best practice in digital research, etc.

The DR Team has access to a wider network of support and advice through a network of digital research analysts, our research organizations, and external infrastructure providers.

Standard Offering

Standard Offering

The standard digital resources and services available for researchers and research projects.

See the resources available

Digital Research Support

Digital Research Support

Support services are provided by DR Analysts, Information Services, and the Library.

Find the best support option

About Digital Research

About Digital Research

Our team, our mission & goals, and our partner organizations (internal and external).

Meet the DR Team