Mildura graduates' time to celebrate

After years of late-night study, challenging assessments and tough exams, more than 130 graduands from La Trobe’s Mildura campus will have their moment in the spotlight on Friday.

The graduands – including students from the cohort due to graduate in 2020, as well as two La Trobe staff members – will gather with family and friends to celebrate their years of study in a wide range of courses, from nursing to education, social work to agribusiness.

A further 45 graduands will receive their degrees in absentia.

La Trobe Vice-Chancellor Professor John Dewar AO said he was pleased that the hard work and commitment of the graduands could be recognised and celebrated.

“After an incredibly tough year, it’s wonderful that we can come together in person to acknowledge the achievements of these students,” Professor Dewar said.

“Whether they completed their studies remotely, or met the challenges of the pandemic as a new graduate in the workplace, all of these new La Trobe graduates are to be congratulated for their resilience and dedication.”

“The skills they have honed in critical thinking and flexible working over the last 18 months will make them an even greater asset to employers for years to come,” said Professor Dewar.

Mildura Head of Campus Dr Deb Neal said graduation day also highlighted the contribution of La Trobe’s Mildura campus to building a strong rural workforce.

“Forty-one of those graduating today are employed at Mildura Base Public Hospital – including nurses, midwives, social workers and two individuals working in finance and human resources,” Dr Neal said.

“This demonstrates the impact our graduates have in the local community, and throughout regional Victoria – not just in health, but across local government, schools and the business sector.”

Among those graduating will be staff member Geoffrey Brown who completed a PhD in creative arts, and staff member Narelle Tomlinson who completed a Graduate Certificate in Business Administration.

Media Enquiries: Kathryn Powley | 0456 764 371 |