Professor Jayne Lucke, Director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University and Liam Leonard, Director Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV), said today’s resounding support for equal love and same sex marriage was a wonderful result.
“It has been a long time in the making,” Mr Leonard said.
“Recognising the value of committed, loving relationships will have a positive impact on health and wellbeing for LGBTI Australians,” Professor Lucke said.
The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society is a centre for social research into sexuality, health and social dimensions of human relationships. It works collaboratively and in partnership with communities, community-based organisations, governments and professional in relevant fields to produce research that advances knowledge and promotes positive change in policy, practice and people’s lives.
“Since it was founded 25 years ago, ARCSHS has become the major player in framing the agenda on, and delivering, the evidence to understand sex and sexuality in contemporary Australia, particularly in relation to health, education and social justice.
“The Centre’s work is as important today, as it was 25 years ago,” Professor Lucke said.
Both Professor Lucke and Mr Leonard said they - like the more than 61 per cent of Australians who voted ‘Yes’ - were looking forward to the speedy passage of legislation that recognises LGBTI people’s right to marry.
Media Contact Anastasia Salamastrakis 0428 195 464