Guide to Producing and Sourcing Quality Health Information

This Guide was developed to help Victorian health services produce or source quality health information for people who use their services.

Access the Guide

Access the Word version of the Health Information Guidelines Toolkits [DOC 110KB]

In the context of this Guide, ‘health information’ is defined as:

'any information that enables individuals to understand their health and make health related decisions for themselves or their families.'1

The Guide covers health information presented in a variety of formats – print, digital, video and audio – and can be used by consumers, carers, clinicians and health administrators working to improve the quality of health information in their service.

The Guide has four Guidelines:

  • governance
  • partnering with consumers
  • supporting health literacy
  • sharing resources.

Within the Guide the importance of each Guideline is explained. This is followed with a list of key tasks that contain advice and comprehensive supporting information. Throughout there are links to resources that provide more detail and which aid implementation. You can use this Guide to implement one or more of the Guidelines in any part (or all) of your health service or use it as a review tool to compare your policies and practice against the Guidelines.

Each Guideline is paired with a self-evaluation toolkit which provides practical questions in a workbook format to aid implementation of the Guidelines or to review your achievements. In the Toolkit sections, each Guideline has been mapped against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. The Guide also supports the Effective Communication domain in the new Partnering in Healthcare Framework developed by Safer Care Victoria.

The Guide also includes an appendix with links to resources about interpersonal communication for health professionals.

Project Team

  • Louisa Walsh
  • Sophie Hill, Associate Professor
  • Tamsin Waterhouse
  1. Deering MJ, Harris J. Consumer health information demand and delivery: implications for libraries. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 1996;84(2):209-16

This page was last updated June 2022