Our publications

Collaborating with the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) right here on campus and the UC Davis MIND Institute, we are at the forefront of intervention approaches for children with autism.

Recognised leaders in autism research

These unique partnerships allow us to conduct leading-edge collaborative research in a community setting with both educational and developmental researchers. Together, we contribute to national and international conversations on further developing an understanding of early intervention for children with autism.

Our research focus

We have outlined three core intervention issues which guide our research and in turn, inform our practice:

  • Gathering evidence, implementing evidence-based practices and evaluating their effectiveness;
  • Understanding how children learn in different ways and how intervention approaches should be individually tailored;
  • Exploring the sustainability of intervention strategies.

Read about our research

We have published a number of important academic papers about children with autism. Read some below:

  • Effectiveness and Feasibility of the Early Start Denver Model Implemented in a Group-Based Community Childcare Setting (visit website).
  • Brief report: Predictors of outcomes in the Early Start Denver Model delivered in a group setting (visit website).
  • Outcomes of children receiving Group-Early Start Denver Model in an inclusive versus autism-specific setting: A pilot randomized controlled trial (visit website).
  • Outcome for Children Receiving the Early Start Denver Model Before and After 48 Months (visit website).
  • Treatment-related changes in children’s communication impact on maternal satisfaction and psychological distress (visit website).