EndNote for Researchers

Writing on a laptop Learn the fundamentals to using EndNote for reference management.


Tuesday 16 July 2024 10.30 am12.30 pm (Add to calendar)
La Trobe University Library
Type of event:
Target audience:
Researcher/Graduate researcher

About this event

This session is for researchers and graduate researchers wanting to learn how to use EndNote for reference management.

You will learn how to:

  • create a new desktop and online EndNote library and sync populated libraries
  • populate the library with references
  • attach PDFs to references
  • use EndNote’s Cite While You Write feature to create in-text citations, edit citations, generate a reference list and change output styles
  • create groups, smart groups and group sets
  • save and back up a library.

The class will run for 90 minutes, with 30 minutes of optional time for questions at the end.

Note: This sessions is for La Trobe Researchers and Graduate Researchers only.

Please register using your La Trobe University email address. You will then receive a Zoom link via an Outlook calendar invitation to this email address the day before the session.