Employability principles
Read about our commitment and guiding principles to supporting employability at La Trobe.
Read our principles
Employability strategies
Learn more about our strategies to make La Trobe a leader in graduate employability.
View strategies
Curriculum standards
Discover La Trobe's minimum standards for embedding employability into the curriculum.
View standards
Connecting with Career Ready Advantage
Learn more about our sector leading employability program, Career Ready Advantage.
Get career ready
Accessing assistance
Connect with the Career Ready team for advice, support and assistance.
Accessing Assistance
Helpful resources
Access online tools and current research on employability in higher education
Helpful Resources
Assessment tools
A wide range of employability assessment templates designed for use at various stages.
See assessment tools
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
In the constantly evolving world of work, assisting students to develop adaptable and relevant work skills is critical.
Discover more
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