How to get involved with Respect at La Trobe

What is respect? Check out this article to find out what respect actually is, and what respect looks like at La Trobe.

How can I contribute to a Respectful La Trobe?

Complete the Respectful Behaviour and Culture module on LMS

La Trobe’s Respectful Behaviour and Culture (2024-RPC8010) is part of the University’s long-standing commitment to fostering a safe, respectful and inclusive community free of sexual harm, discrimination and violence.

This module is compulsory for commencing students in semester 1 2024 onwards and will appear on your academic transcripts. By completing this online subject, you can contribute to creating a more harmonious campus and working culture. It will also provide you with valuable knowledge and skills to take with you to the workplace.

Email for any queries.

Bystander Action Training

In a study by VicHealth and Victoria University, 78% of students said they would intervene if they saw something unacceptable happen on campus. Would you?

Sign up for our Bystander Action training to learn how to safely intervene if you experience or witness something unacceptable. This could range from directly intervening and calling something out, to knowing where to go if you need support or advice.

Check out this Bystander Action series to find out what this could look like on campus.

Email to register your interest.


Being a good ally means calling out behaviour that hurts our queer community. The ALLY training program is about championing and affirming LGBTIQA+ voices and playing our part in learning and listening to lived experiences to break down harmful stereotypes.

Training will cover the following:

  • understanding commonly used terms
  • experiences of young people from the LGBTIQA+ community
  • recognising and responding to homophobia
  • creating an inclusive culture and providing support
  • valuing and celebrating LGBTIQA+ people and culture

If you would like to learn more and be part of creating a more inclusive and respectful La Trobe, please reach out to the ALLY team and volunteer for ALLY training.

UN International Women’s Day 2023

Get involved in International Women’s Day on the 8 March 2023. The theme for 2023 is ‘Cracking the Code: innovation for a gender-equal future.’

Cracking the Code’ highlights the role that bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education can play in combatting discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.

The University has a range of events and activities planned for this day. Volunteer to help out or stay tuned for what’s happening on your campus.


Respect Week 2023

Respect Week is a cross-university collaboration across Victoria. We’re all hosting a Respect Week from 13th – 17th March 2023 to highlight the role all universities play in fostering a respectful community and creating social change.

Email to find out how to volunteer in organising of the events, or keep on eye on the My La Trobe channels to join in the Respect Week activities!


Safer Community at La Trobe provides a free, confidential support service to students who are experiencing concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour. You can also seek their assistance anonymously.

Outside of university, 1800 Respect provide 24/7 confidential information, counselling & support for anyone impacted by domestic, family, or sexual violence.