Respect at LTU

‘Safer Community’ aims to help staff and students report unacceptable or concerning student behaviour including intimidation, harassment, discrimination, bullying and all forms of violence (including sexual assault).

The service will provide advice and support in managing behaviours and determining the best course of action. We can also provide information about where to access appropriate support. If you are concerned about a student’s welfare, we can help with that too.

Safer Community is here to help

We can assist with;

  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Intimidation and bullying
  • Sexual Assault and other forms of violence
  • Unsafe, unwelcome or offensive behaviour
  • Any other concerns related to behaviour or wellbeing where advice or support is required

We can assist by;

  • Managing the identified behaviours.
  • Help you determine the best course of action.
  • Recommend where to access appropriate support.

Ring us on 03 9479 8988, email or

report online