16 Days of Activism: Eight more ways in which you can prevent gender-based violence (Days 9 to 16)

The 16 Days of Activism is a global initiative used to highlight ways in which we can prevent gender-based violence in our lives and take action to prevent violence before it starts.

Check out our articles on the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls as well as our first 8 days of ways you can get involved article to see the first set of actions!

9. Take action this International Day of People with Disabilities

“Violence against women and girls with disabilities is a prevalent, serious and preventable violation of human rights.”

Discrimination against women with a disability, alongside gender inequality, drives this violence. Take action this International Day of Person’s with Disabilities by learning more, reading and sharing ‘Change the Landscape’.

10. Learn what victim blaming is and how to recognise it

Victim blaming is when we make the victim/survivor of gender-based violence ‘responsible’ instead of the perpetrator. For example, asking “why did they walk alone?” or statements such as “she shouldn’t have nagged him” perpetuate victim blaming.

Instead, we should be asking”‘why were they violent?” Check out this great video about how victim blaming works.

11. Challenge the notions of rigid masculinity.

Men who form a rigid attachment to traditional views of masculinity are more likely to demonstrate sexist attitudes and behaviours and use violence against women and even against themselves.

Support the men in your lives to see vulnerability and asking for help as a strength. Encourage them to be a healthier version of themselves.

Watch this excellent TED talk by actor and director Justin Baldoni, and how he is done being ‘man enough’.

12. Encourage or role model healthy masculinity

As a man, show your friends it’s okay to struggle, share your vulnerability and reach out for help. Take a look at this video from Tomorrow Man on the ’emotional muscle’ and how to grow it.

Do you know La Trobe has a Men’s Wellbeing Program that also supports Men’s Mental health? Find out more on our website!

13. Bystander Action

Unwanted sexual advances are any type of unwelcome sexual behaviours which cause a person to feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. This form of behaviour can be physical, spoken or written. In our Bystander Action series, we look at some examples of what this looks like on campus, and how you can help stop it if you see it happen.  

14. Bystander Action towards inappropriate physical contact

Inappropriate physical contact is any unwanted or unwelcome touch that makes the recipient feel uncomfortable, even if it seems harmless. Learn more about the specifics and examples of what it looks like on campus.

15. Bystander Action towards technology-facilitated abuse

Technology-facilitated abuse is where someone harms, harasses, blackmails, threatens, monitors, or impersonates another person via the continuous use of technology. This type of abuse may occur between strangers, but it can also occur alongside other forms of abuse in domestic and family violence contexts.

Technology is not the problem – the perpetrator/abuser’s behaviour is the issue. Read about what it is and what you can do to help stop it.

16. Go beyond 16 days

The 10th of December is International Human Rights Day. The 16 days of Activism concluded on this day to emphasise the fact violence against women and girls is a violation of human rights.

Please go beyond the 16 days and continue to support gender equality and challenge all forms of gender-based violence.

Support at La Trobe

At La Trobe, our Safer Community program is a free, confidential support service if you are experiencing concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour. This can be witnessed or experienced both on and off-campus.

Visit Safer Community for more information.