16 Days of Activism: Eight ways you can prevent gender-based violence

When gender violence shows up in our life – it is unfortunate that in the event that it happens, it is out of our control. However, there are ways we can empower ourselves to take matters into our own hands and say no more.

16 Days of Activism is a global initiative used to highlight ways in which we can prevent gender-based violence in our lives and take action to prevent violence before it starts.

This movement kicks off with the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.

Our theme this year is by Respect Victoria, ‘Call It Out (Respect Is).’ The aim is to get everyone to take three simple steps towards a future where we are all safe, equal and respected. These steps you can take include:

  1. Think about what respect means to you
  2. Call out sexism
  3. Set the right example

Eight ways you can help prevent gender-based violence in your life:

  1. Learn how to #CallItOut
    Take a look at this article and learn how to call out sexual harrassment and disrespectful behaviour.
  2. Enrol in La Trobe’s Active Bystander and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Harm training
    Would you know how to respond effectively in a supportive manner if a friend or colleague told you they were experiencing family violence or sexual harm? Do you want to learn ways to support and safely intervene as an active bystander of family violence to a friend, family member or neighbour who is experiencing it?

    Bystander Intervention workshops are being held for students and staff throughout 2022 and 2023 –express your interest today.
  3. Are you in ‘The Man Box’?
    Men in the Man Box and are more likely to engage in behaviours that harm others and are more likely to engage in risky behaviours which result in increased negativity for themselves and those around them.

    Learn more about ‘The Man Box’ and challenge yourself to consider your views on masculinity.
  4. Read your way to equality through your summer holidays!
    Educate yourself on the drivers of gender-based violence. These expressions of gender inequality include making excuses for violent behaviour, harmful gender stereotypes and rigid gender norms. We updated the book recommendations list by Respect Victoria to include some new names from this year, so be sure to check these out.
  5. Get to know LaTrobe’s Safer Community Service.
    Safer Community is a free, confidential support service if you are experiencing (or have witnessed) sexual harm including concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour – which can be witnessed or experienced both on and off campus. Safer Community can be contacted anonymously for advice, referrals, support and includes resources for topics they can help with.
  6. Look out for and challenge inequality in sports.
    Sports should be available to anyone who wants to participate. We should celebrate sport’s capacity to unite us and progress equality. If you see unequal representation, messaging or limitations to people’s participation in any sport – it’s time to question it. We can challenge the myths that limit access and enjoyment of sport on the basis of gender, disability, age, race or culture.

    The ‘This Girl Can’ campaign is a great place to start!
  7. Understand the facts about violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
    1: Violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is not a part of traditional culture.
    2: Violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is perpetrated by men from many cultural backgrounds.
    3: The ongoing impacts of colonisation combined with gender inequality create the underlying social conditions that drive violence against Australia’s First Nations women. Learn how we can prevent violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women by reading ‘Change the Picture.
  8. Consider how the media you consume impacts you.
    Media can lead us to believe that a women’s value lies is in her youth and beauty, while a man’s value comes from dominance, power or aggression. The media that we consume from Instagram, YouTube, the news and shows we watch, can perpetuate and create stereotypes that are harmful and stereotypes limit people on the basis of gender. How has the media you consume impacted you?

    Read the Good Society Guidebook media chapter.

Support At La Trobe

Visit Safer Community to get the support you may need right now.