Movember 2023

Movember is here and the Mo is calling!

The Movember organisation runs ground-breaking projects focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, testicular cancer and prostate cancer. All the areas of preventable loss of life in the men we care about.  Movember is a great way to help shine the light on men’s wellbeing and have some fun, connect with friends and keep fit in the process.

Movember is more than sporting a nice-looking Mo for a month, it’s also a great opportunity for using that fuzz to start the conversations about men’s mental health that might be more important than you ever think. Now is a great time to check in with your mates and see how they are traveling.

How do I get involved in Movember?

Guys are facing some real challenges at this time, but we can’t stay silent.

As a way of connecting with your friends and family, why not get involved in Movember and together do your bit for men’s health and “Help save a bro”.

All Mo Bro’s and Mo Sista’s can get involved in different ways:

Men’s health and wellbeing services at La Trobe:

Even if you are not feeling motivated to grow that Mo, perhaps use this time to check in with yourself and ask: “how am I traveling?”

Feel like giving a voice to how you are going or having a chat about men’s health and wellbeing? Our men’s wellbeing program might be for you:

  • The La Trobe Men’s health and wellbeing service is available with counselling tailored specifically with men’s health and wellbeing in mind. Counselling is confidential, relaxed, and aimed at helping you achieve your goals and getting your strength back again. Book a men’s wellbeing appointment
  • If you require Urgent Assistance please contact our University Crisis Line (UCL) for after Hours Emergency Phone Counselling Service on 1300 146 307 or text 0488 884 100. This service operates 5pm-9am on weekdays and 24 hours during weekends and public holidays.