Looking for a summer job? Let us give you a hand to boost your resume!

This resource is developed by Amina Fatima, Career Ready Ambassador, Final year student – Bachelor of Health Sciences

Your Career Ready Ambassadors have developed a handy acronym to help you tailor your resume for maximum effect!

Alongside the STAR model, this acronym can help you build your resume and ensure you effectively address key selection criteria.

It’s easy as R.E.S.U.M.E… let us show you!

Research and Relate: Research the company (including their objectives, mission, purpose and values) and make sure the skills your resume relates to the position you are applying for.

Explore and Engage: Ensure your resume is engaging and that you have presented yourself professionally and try to explore different ways to format/structure your resume to ensure ideas flow logically. Just because your resume looked a certain way when you applied for your first job, doesn’t mean it always has to be the same!

Showcase your skills: Make sure your resume includes short statements to address that address the key selection criteria, specifically describing where, when and how you’ve developed your skills. It’s also important to show the relevance of your skills, try to connect them to the job you’re applying for.

Utilise resources and Update: Utilise tools and resources available to you through La Trobe like Career Ready OnLine and LinkedIn Learning. La Trobe also has an awesome tool call CV360 that’s worth checking out! Don’t forget to update your resume regularly to include your most recent experiences and skills and to tailor your application to different roles.

Manage your time: Allow plenty of time to prepare each application. Remember, the hiring manager doesn’t know how great you are (yet!) so set aside some time to brainstorm how well suited you are to the job and the company! You should also try to make time to attend a Career Ready Ambassador Job Application Peer Review.

Edit: Give your resume a final edit to ensure fluency and relevance. Check again (and again!) for those pesky typos, spelling or grammatical errors, we all make them!

Follow their suggestions to ensure your resume is targeted for professional roles in your industry and then upload your resume to CV360 for immediate AI feedback. You can also connect with our CR Ambassadors who can help you with applications, finding resources and suggesting ideas for achieving the Career Ready Advantage Awards. You can see where and when they are available during semester by checking out the Career Hub events.