Men’s & Women’s La Trobe Basketball teams to compete in UBL Grand Finals!

A massive congratulations to our Men’s & Women’s La Trobe University Basketball teams who will this week compete in the UniSport Australia University Basketball League (UBL) Grand Finals!

Both teams will take on the University of Sydney in their respective Grand Finals, with our Women’s team heading to Sydney on Wednesday on the hunt for their third national UBL championship in succession, while our Men’s team will be aiming for their first UBL national championship.

We’d love to see a massive Team La Trobe home crowd filling the stands at the La Trobe Sports Park Stadium to cheer on our Men’s team as they host their Grand Final on Thursday from 1:00pm! But if you can’t get there, you can catch all the action via UniSport TV or by following La Trobe Sport on Instagram!

Let’s go Eagles!