Hear Rachel, a La Trobe Leader and student, talk about what they love most about being a La Trobe Leader

The La Trobe Leaders Program is a fantastic opportunity for you to develop your leadership skills by welcoming incoming students, mentoring your peers, and participating in a range of engagement activities held on campus throughout the semester.

Rachel is a La Trobe Leader, and Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) student at our Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus. Rachel talks about what they love most about being a La Trobe Leader

What are the benefits of participating in the La Trobe Leader’s Program?

Becoming more involved in uni, contribute towards improving others’ experience, be a voice for other students, opportunity to initiate and organise fun uni events, and strive towards maintaining a positive, friendly environment

What has been your favourite part of the Leaders Program so far?

One of my highlights has been facilitating the ‘Social Hour’ during orientation. Given it was held virtually, many of the participants joined from their home country. It was lovely getting to know the new students and hearing their stories.

For many of the students, it was going to be their first time coming to Australia and they seemed a bit nervous. However, our welcoming chats and finding shared interests, it enabled them to feel better settled in before coming to uni.

Rachel, La Trobe Leader and undergraduate student.

I have also enjoyed participating in the National Student Volunteer Week Morning Tea. It was great meeting like-minded leaders from various courses.

What would you say to people thinking about becoming a La Trobe Leader?

Give it a go! It is a wonderful experience to help others and be more active in uni.

To find out more about our La Trobe Leaders Program, and to register, visit our webpage.