Intellectual climate fund for graduate researchers
Fund information and application guidelines
Sponsored by the Graduate Research School , the Intellectual Climate Fund (ICF) grants of up to $500 are available to graduate research groups to support your local research community.
Purpose of the scheme
The purpose of this scheme is to encourage graduate researchers to lead a range of academic, social and cultural activities – online or in person - that will seed or enhance a stimulating intellectual climate and supportive network within their local graduate research community. The scheme is not prescriptive about whether the activities take place across schools, departments, physical locations or disciplines; it is about developing your research community. Graduate researchers may organise academic activities such as conferences and symposia, visual exhibitions, seminars, masterclasses and visiting speakers. This scheme encourages applications that enhance inclusiveness for the graduate researcher community (e.g. from smaller campuses, focused on part-time or international graduate researchers).
These information session notes [PDF 263KB] provide insight into what the ICF would like to see. This scheme is not intended for recurring events
You can read about other ICF projects on the RED Alert blog.
In applying to this scheme, graduate researchers can gain additional valuable experience in event organisation, grant application writing, project management, communication, and leadership. Successful awardees will have a full briefing about the resources and advice available to them. Other mentorship and support for successful applicants will be available from the RED team in the GRS on request.
Important dates
- Scheme opens: Tuesday, 13 March 2024
- Scheme closes: Monday, 8 April 2024, 12:00 PM (AEST)
- Successful applicants notified: by Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Application information
Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate researchers at La Trobe. Events must be produced primarily BY and FOR graduate researchers, and they must be held in the year the funding is awarded. Proposals that seek to secure additional financial support for the activity from departments, schools or external bodies will be well regarded.
Applications will be assessed on:
- The strength of the proposal
- Anticipated impact on intellectual climate
- Whether it enhances inclusion
- Whether additional funding was sought
Download application form [DOC 113KB]
Please email the RED Team with any ICF enquires and to submit your application:
- Grants are available for projects run BY and FOR graduate researchers.
- Applicants must be currently enrolled.
- All projects must take place before the end of 2024.
- Project funding cannot be spent on salaries. Honoraria may be acceptable.
- A written report must be sent to at the conclusion of the activity. A report pro forma can be found here [Word Document 75KB].
- Awardees from previous ICF rounds who did not lodge an activity report are ineligible to apply.
If we don't use the funding before the end of the year, can we roll the funds over to the next year?
No, as stated in the scheme guidelines, the funding MUST BE SPENT BY 31 Dec OF THAT YEAR.
Can initiatives involve academic staff and graduate researchers or Hons students?
We strongly encourage cross-cohort initiatives that are inclusive of researchers at all stages of their career, but the focus for the Intellectual Climate Fund is on the graduate researcher context. For example, if the event is for a whole School, you would need to explain how it benefits graduate researchers in particular.
I have heaps of ideas - can I submit more than one application in the round?
No. You can only be an applicant on one application in each round.
If the initiative changes from what's proposed in the successful application, what do we do?
What if we can't carry out the initiative after all?
If the initiative will not be happening, the RED team must be notified and the funding returned to the Graduate Research School.
I was successful in applying for a grant in a previous year, am I able to apply again this year?
If you submitted a report from your previous event and there were no issues with unspent funding then, yes, you may apply in the current year's scheme.
I received funding in a previous year but wasn't able to carry out the initiative after all, am I able to re-apply this year?
You may re apply if the circumstances that prevented you from carrying out the initiative in a previous year were beyond your control, the funding was returned, and you notified the RED team.
If the initiative was not carried out and you did not contact the RED team, then it would be unlikely that you would be successful in an application for more funding.
For examples of initiatives funded in previous years, please see below
Congratulations to the 7 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Lead applicant's school | Project title |
Emma Cordon | La Trobe Rural Health School | Enhancing the academic and collegial graduate researcher experience on the LTU Bendigo campus |
Rachel Davis | School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment | Stress Management Workshop - You are more than your project |
Rachel McIntosh | School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment | EG HDS: Environment and Genetics Higher Degree Society |
Tina Katsaros | School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment | MAPP Masterminds: Putting Trivia Back on the MAPP |
Tom West | School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport | PhD student writing retreat |
Mikaeli Carmichael | School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport | Open Mic Your Thesis |
Natalia Vukelic | School of Cancer Medicine | Bright Futures (Careers day) |
Congratulations to the 5 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Lead applicant's school | Project title |
Samantha Kucewicz | School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment | MAPP HDR Paint Your Project |
Michael O’Brien | School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport | Physiotherapy and LASEM Higher Degree Research Student Academic Writing Seminar |
Susanne Ellens | School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport | Retreat Yourself 2: The Re-treating |
Hoa Do | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Workshop series: Statistics and Coding 101 by and for Linguistics PhD parents |
Kim Lah | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Social Inquiry HDR Colloquium |
Congratulations to the 9 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Lead applicant's school | Project title |
Aime Sacrez | School of Education | Building a School of Education Research Society (SoERS) community of practice |
Alicia Dimovski | School of Life Sciences | Victorian Biodiversity Conference 2022 |
Ariane Virgona | School of Psychology and Public Health | Tame Your Method – Qualitative Research Tips and Tricks |
Fazel Almasi | School of Life Sciences | Application of statistical procedures in biological data |
Jacinta Agius | School of Life Sciences | HDR Speed Networking Event |
Louise Falconer | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Unravelling the human histories of medicine |
Matthew Hein | School of Molecular Sciences | BioGen, PAM and ONJ Poster Presentation and Social Networking Event |
Susannah Ostojic | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Social Inquiry HDR Retreat |
Todd Pickering | School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport | Retreat yourself: Time away to focus on writing |
Congratulations to the 10 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Lead applicant's school | Project title | Brief project descriptions |
Ariane Virgona | Psychology and Public Health | Navigating a PhD with Self-compassion During the Great Lockdown | This project consists of a series of seminars and a panel discussion to help grad researchers reduce self-judgement and criticism, and equip them with skills to care for themselves when experiencing challenges. |
Danielle Vickery-Howe | Allied Health | Paint your research: Innovation in science communication and networking | This project enables Sport and Exercise Science researchers to define, understand, and communicate their research in a medium that is foreign to them: painting. This innovative way of communicating their research will culminate in an exhibition. |
Emily Foley | Humanities and Social Sciences | Migration HDR symposium | This project establishes an interdisciplinary migration reading group online for graduate researchers, which will be followed by a 1-day grad researcher symposium. |
Fazel Almasi | Life Sciences | Modern statistical approaches for biology data | This project consists of a symposium and a series of online seminars and tutorials to increase the understanding of experimental design and statistical analysis for biology data. |
Louisa Walsh | Psychology and Public Health | Working Together, Apart – using the online space for participatory research | This project features 2 events exploring participatory research methods in online spaces. The 1st will be a webinar with a participatory research leader; the 2nd features participant conversations on conducting participatory research online. |
Lucas Newton | Molecular Sciences | BioGen & PAM Graduate Student Symposium | This initiative is a 2-day symposium for graduate researchers in science focusing on necessary graduate researcher skills. Topics include work/life balance, writing, designing experiments and networking. |
Michael Atkinson | Humanities and Social Sciences | COVID-19 and the Doctoral journey: A new chapter for higher degree research studies | This project brings together interdisciplinary La Trobe graduate researchers in an online forum, exploring the challenge of the doctoral journey and a research methodology that can collect data in real time on an issue that has immediate impact. We aim to write a journal article for publication collectively. |
Nicole Skeltys | Humanities and Social Sciences | Econoclasts: the role of artists in economic crisis | This online salon features talks by Per Capita researchers and La Trobe graduate researchers. It focused on questions of how arts practices can influence our economic future for the better. |
Sandy Connor | La Trobe Rural Health School | Research ‘Methodologies’ by the River | A series of online sessions focused on exploring, discussing, and learning about research methodologies for a cohort of multidisciplinary Mildura graduate researchers. |
Sarah Houseman | Humanities and Social Sciences | People Need People – a warm data experience to connect in difficult times | This project involves 2 online conversations on the significant changes/challenges in living in our current society, modelled on the Online Warm Data Sessions (OWDS). |
Congratulations to the 10 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Lead applicant's school | Project title | Brief project descriptions |
Shannon Young | Humanities and Social Sciences | Art camp retreat | The ICF project is an Art Camp Retreat for Visual Art students on Bundoora, Bendigo and Mildura Campuses. |
Karen Strojek | Humanities and Social Sciences | Innovations in research data management | This one-day forum will bring together HUSS graduate researchers, staff, and several external speakers, to share knowledge about new developments in storing, cataloguing, visualising and disseminating research outputs in the Humanities and Social Sciences. |
Louisa Walsh | Psychology and Public Health | Participatory research methodologies within postgraduate research - building a learning network at La Trobe | This project is an initial half-day participatory research symposium to establish an ongoing network. |
Keaton Crosse | Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology | Careers in science | This event will invite academics, researchers, members of industry, patent attorneys/legal officers and journalists/publishers from the scientific community to discuss their careers in science as part of a panel. |
Stevie Lebhers | Education | HDR challenges and successes | This project, consisting of 2 focused workshops, examining the challenges and successes of graduate researchers and providing peer-based insights into the changing nature of their study throughout candidature. |
Charlotte Roelofs | Cancer Medicine | Workshop on mental health for PhD students at the ONJCRI | This seminar on mental wellbeing aims to initiate conversations around these issues, and inform graduate researchers of support services that are available to them. |
Sandy Connor | La Trobe Rural Health School | Research by the river 2019 | This local, off-campus event showcases graduate researcher work and promotes La Trobe’s research activities to our regional community. It is a public gathering to network and promote our graduate research. |
Mici Boxell | Humanities and Social Sciences | Creative workshop | A creative workshop led by a prominent Australian emerging artist. |
Corina Modderman | La Trobe Rural Health School | Journal Club | This project proposes to set up a journal club that will bring together graduate researchers on the Shepparton campus and those studying a higher degree in the wider Shepparton and Goulburn Valley region. |
Caitlin Finlayson | Humanities and Social Sciences | Research for Development Impact Student Forum | The Student Forum is a full day event run in conjunction with the Research for Development Impact Conference, hosted by the Centre for Human Security and Social Change. The event is directly targeted at graduate research students with an interest in the topic of leadership for inclusive development. |
Congratulations to the 25 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Department/discipline | Project title | Short description |
Ilan Abrahams/Georgia McKenzie | Psychology and Public Health | Research Translation and Communication in Health Masterclass | A workshop to give researchers ideas and resources for translating research outcomes into formats that are accessible for their intended audiences |
Shinead Borkovic | Occupational Therapy | Where's your research at? A research networking and showcasing event for all graduate researchers | Research networking and showcasing event for all graduate researchers |
Thi Thanh Hoa Bui | Education | PhD Mom Talk: Yes, I can | A half day seminar for female PhD students sharing practical lessons on work-life balance |
Sandra Connor | Rural Nursing and midwifery | Research by the River 2018 | A public gathering to network and promote post graduate research |
Orsi Decker | Ecology, Evolution and the Environment | Ecology photo competition and exhibition | Photo exhibition on ecology - the science and the scientists |
Chamodi Gardhi | Chemistry and Physics | Meet the Speaker | A 'Meet the Speaker' session for postgraduate students to speak informally with speakers from industry in order to gain insight into career paths and experiences outside of universities. |
Sarah Houseman | Politics, Media and Philosophy | Creative Methods in Organisational Research | Practicum: A gathering of researchers currently using creative methodologies in field work and/or final thesis |
Stephanie Johnson | Ecology, Evolution and the Environment | LaTrobe Eco Film & BBQ night | Socialising event: BBQ at the Wildlife Sanctuary followed by a movie night. |
Madeleine Iris Kendrick | Management, Sport and Tourism | Honours and PhD Students Café Club | Monthly café catch up sessions and peer mentorship |
Matthew King | Rehabilitation, Nutrition and sport | La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre HDR Symposium | Symposium: LASEM update; HDR presentations and Associate Professor Richard Willt |
Sarah Knowler | Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology (PAM) | Advanced Topics in R: Community Ecology and Multivariate Statistics | Multivariate statistics workshop |
Jessica Anne Lawton | Ecology, Evolution and the Environment | EEE writing retreat | Four-day writing retreat for EEE postgraduates and ECRs |
Lily Li | Psychology and Counselling | Neuropsychology Journal Club | Academic journal club for neuropsychology postgraduate students and staff |
Ebony Monson | Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology (PAM) | PAM HDR and ECR Showcase Symposium | Research symposium for HDRs and ECRs in PAM |
Lauren Elise Murphy | Classics and Ancient History | Classics and Ancient History Seminar Series | Monthly Classics and Ancient History Work in Progress Research Seminars |
James O'Sullivan | Animal, Plant and Soil Sciences | AgriBio Workshop Day | Workshops and seminars for AgriBio students |
Sarah Sloan | Animal, Plant and Soil Sciences | Science Week Trivia Night | A trivia night to celebrate National Science Week |
Jackie Steel | Applied Systems Biology | Stats Club | AgriBio Stats Club symposium and/or workshop presented by a statistics consultant |
Andrew Whalley | Social Inquiry/Anthropology | Getting Together in Bendigo | Half day workshops and a self-guided city tour in Bendigo |
Juliet Nellie McDonnell | Creative Arts | The Post Grad Experience | Graduated students return to share their tips and experiences of their post grad experiences with current students |
Rachel Impey | Biochemistry and Genetics | PhD student and postdoctoral fellows trivia night | Opportunity for PhD students to connect with Postdoctoral Fellows |
Sarah Caruso | Biochemistry and Genetics | PhD students team building day | Networking event to strengthen relationships with the department |
Cristina Triffon | Biochemistry and Genetics | Postgraduate Student Retreat | A retreat to gain information to achieve a successful PhD |
Anjana Ranasooriya | Management | Be Significantly Confidant at QDA | A four hour lab class with 15 minute breaks after each hour |
Kerryn O'Rourke | Judith Lumley Centre | Melbourne Realist Research Group (MRRG): Developing capacity and reach | Seminar/workshop based learning and networking |
Congratulations to the 15 successful applications. The table below details each project that was funded and we thank all applicants for their participation in this scheme.
Successful applicants | Department/discipline | Project title | Short description |
Catina Adams | Judith Lumley Centre | Looking after yourself - Study Work Life | Half day seminar with lunch |
Rebecca Auchettl | Chemistry and Physics | GRSS monthly wellbeing meetings | Monthly meetings to discuss research experience & support student wellbeing |
Brodie Thomas | Paramedicine | 'Research by the River', connecting out PG researchers and the community to keep up the flow | A public gathering to network and promote our post graduate research |
Jennifer Gravrok | Psychology and Public Health | Blank walls: the bane of a researcher's study space | Discussion about permanent visual exhibitions in a group study space |
Marianne Haines | Microbiology | Food Microbiology Masterclass | Masterclass in food microbiology, a practical experience |
Jacinta Humphrey | Ecology, Environment and Evolution | Victorian Biodiversity Conference | An ecological conference for students, early career researchers and practitioners. |
Alexis Marshall | APSS | Networking lunches for AgriBio postgraduate students and guest speakers | Networking event that enables students to interact with guest speakers |
Caitlin McDowell | Occupational Therapy | Burke and Mills Grounded Theory Masterclass | A one-day qualitative research Masterclass on grounded theory methodology |
Kate McIntosh | Public Health | Brokering Knowledge: Fools Gold or Nuggets of Wisdom | A one-day qualitative research Masterclass on grounded theory methodology |
Riley Morrow | Cancer Medicine | Power to the students - the development of a student driven seminar series | Symposium - a panel discussion on knowledge transfer. The event will be held underground at the Central Deborah Gold Mine in Bendigo. |
Nikita Vanderbyl | History | Zotero workshop for students and staff | A student-led workshop in Zotero (referencing software) for graduate researchers |
Claire Quilliam | Allied Health | Shepparton Campus writing retreat | A writing retreat for Shepparton Campus HDR students and researchers |
Viktor Faulknor | Politics, Media and Philosophy | Politics, Media and Philosophy HDR social night: enhancing graduate research culture | Social activity to improve networking between Politics, Media and Philosophy graduate researchers. |
Ashleigh Murszewski | Archaeology | Advance your petrographic skills: Masterclass series | Masterclass in petrographic analysis for non specialists |
Hannah Mayr | Allied Health | Allied Health Research Showcase | Allied Health Research Showcase |
Congratulations to all successful applications for the 2016 round. The table below details each project.
Successful applicants | Department/discipline | Project title | Short description |
Anne Brouwer, Nicholas Anthony | Management & Marketing | Talking PhD: everything except your research | Social activity to encourage networking and share experiences among both LTU colleges |
Anthony Condon, Christopher Trinh,Rachel Davenport,Hannah Robert , Alex Tomy, Ramón Domingo | History | Interdisciplinary reading group | Reading group and support network |
Brittney Caruana, Jacqui Morris, Shakira Johnson, Lincoln Ferrie, Timothy Cameron | Science, Health & Engineering | AgriBio Student Society Inaugural Opening | Inaugural opening for the AgriBio Student Society (ABSS) |
Caitlin McDowell, Kate D'Cruz, Sue McDonough, Carmel Hobbs, Kerri Dangerfield, Stacey Alexander, Nicole El-Hage, Deb Fox, Lucy Knox, Prue Atkins , Michelle Lac,Lucinder Mayor, Alana Hewitt | Occupational Therapy | Grounded Theory Community of Practice | To establish a Community of Practice for grounded theory researchers |
Christopher Taylor | Mathematics & Statistics | Graduate Reading Group for Mathematics & Statistics | Reading group focusing on graduate topics in mathematics and statistics |
Cristina Triffon, Richard Garret, Rebecca Auchetti,Robert Barker | Biochemistry & Genetics | LIMS Postgraduate Speed Networking | A speed networking meeting for postgraduate students |
Teddy Ossei Kwakye, Obed Adonteng-Kissi, David Chisanga | Accounting | La Trobe University Pan-Africa Research Network | Symposium |
Hannah Mayr | Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport /Nutrition and Dietetics | La Trobe Allied Health Research Symposium | La Trobe Allied Health Research Symposium |
Hendrika Duivenvoorden, Cristina Triffon | Biochemistry & Genetics | Seminar Speakers and PhD Student Meetings | PhD Student informal chats with seminar speakers |
Stacey Rich, Rachael Heckenberg, Pennie Eddy, Heather Downey | Psychology & Counselling | Regional Research in the Community | Conference poster display |
James Kirby, Holly Wilson | History | Honours, Masters and PhD Workshop Day | A day of seminars for Honours, Masters, and PhD students within the History Department and the ASSC |
Leah Slattery, Kate Clarke, Fauster Aleo Awepuga, Melissa Kennedy, Elena Wilson | Social Inquiry | Writing Support Circle | Writing support group for Bendigo Higher Degree Researchers (HDRs) |
Melissa Kennedy, Fauster Awepuga , Kate Clarke,Leah Slattery, Elena Wilson | Social Inquiry | The Seven Sins of Highly Stressed HDR Students (and strategies for survival) | Networking event: building HDR cohort through sharing of survival strategies |
Myint Hlaing, Thi Thu Thuy, Trieu Huyen, Truong-Young, Hung Quang Do, Dwi Harsono | Humanities & Social Sciences | ASEAN Research Network online | A website for HDR commentaries, research repository and networking |
Nicholas Anthony, Anne Brouwer | Chemistry & Physics | Graduate Student Forum | School student forums to discuss the graduate research experience |
Shawgat Sharmeen Kutubi, Suzillah Sidek, Anne Brouwer | Accounting | Women Leadership in Business Schools: Opportunities and Challenges | Symposium about women leadership in business schools |
Richard Browne, Brittney Caruana | Animal, Plant & Soil Sciences | AgriBio Student Conference | AgriBio student conference and poster presentations |
Robert Barker, Cristina Triffon | Biochemistry & Genetics | Careers Speaker for Postgraduate Students | A seminar or inventorship and career transitioning |
Congratulations to all successful applications for the 2015 round. The table below details each project. Read accounts by participants in the 2015 scheme about their experience of organising their project at the RED Alert blog.
Successful applicants | Department / discipline | Project title | Short description |
Alyce Mayfosh, Nicolas Anthony, Terri Field-Theodore, Hendrika Duivenvoorden, Hannah Coughlan, Cristrina Triffon | Biochemistry | LIMS Research Student Colloquium | An internal careers seminar. |
Edwina Kay | Archaeology | Media training for graduate researchers | Media training workshop and interviews on community radio |
Edwina Kay, Matthew Carter | Archaeology | Landscape archaeology reading group | Landscape archaeology theory reading group |
Elena Papamiltiadous, Rachelle Opie, Oana Tatucu, Hannah Mayr | Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport | Mediterranean Diet Symposium | Mediterranean Diet Symposium |
Emily Bariola, Daniel du Plooy, Tomas Rozbroj | Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society Gender and Sexuality Interest Group | Gender and Sexuality Interest Group | A Special Interest Group - involving regular seminars with invited speakers. |
Frances Reed, Leesa Hooker, Elena Wilson | Rural Health | Rural health poster workshop and display | Conduct a workshop on designing posters for conference display, including lunch and ongoing limited student support to hold a display |
Geertuida Drijfhout, Jemima Connell, Orsolya Decker, Shannon Braun, Nikeisha Caruana | Ecology, Environment and Evolution | Ecology, Environment and Evolution Postgraduate networking event | Informal meeting for Ecology, Environment and Evolution (EEE) postgraduates to network and discuss their research |
Georgia Roberts, Katherine Crowder, Edwina Kay | Archaeology | Future Skills: Developing a cutting edge skill-base within the PhD students of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. | Interactive theoretical and practical master classes for archaeology and history. |
Glen Whittaker, Sophia Tipping | Podiatry | Engaging HDR students to facilitate ongoing academic activities | A networking event for HDR students to increase engagement amongst HDR students |
Heather Downey | Rural Health | Post Graduate Community Research Symposium | Showcasing current research to local community |
Hendrika Duivenvoorden | Biochemistry and Genetics | Seminar Speaker and PhD student chats | PhD student informal chats with seminar speakers. |
Jennifer Hocking, Lee Koh, Carmel Hobbs, Rosediani Muhamad, Jessica Gill, Jennifer Browne | Public Health | In the thick of it! The experience of doing social research. | A symposium and networking opportunity for HDR students, to be held in October 2015. |
Karen O'Reilly-Briggs, Mark Newhook, Warren Guest | Education | Tools of the Trade | Meetings to discuss research in the vocational education trades |
Katherine Crowder | Archaeology | Dynamic landscapes: VisLab training for PhD students | Training sessions to assist PhD students in using the VisLab |
Katie Buckley | Department of Public Health / CSSI | Integrating research into industry - A sports research HDR student approach | One day workshop, including guest speaker/s |
Lara Bereza-Malcolm, Jennifer Wiltshire | Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology | Supporting Women in Science (SWIS) Society | Initial opening launch event followed by seminars every 2-3 months |
Maggie Flood, Laura Biggs, Helene M Johns, Leesa Hooker, Fetene Berhanu Belihu | Judith Lumley Centre | Seminar series to develop statistical skills using Stata | Seminar series to develop statistical skills using Stata |
Margaret Robinson, Karen O'Reilly- Briggs, Fazella Ibrahim, Ziaoxia (Spice) Wang, Pam Delly, Peter Sanders, Jade Sleeman, Minh Nguyen, Mark Newhook, Gerard Grant, Ngoc Lan Anh Le, Truong Sinh Dinh, Trang Nguyen, Warren Guest | Education | The School of Education Research Society Conference | School of Education Research Society (SOERS) Conference |
Melissa Kennedy, Mark Chesterfield, James McLean, Fatemeh Shahani | Social Inquiry / Planning | Theory Salon | Theory Salon - seminar discussing application of theory to research |
Mijail Karpyn, Alexis Marshall, Jane Kelley, Tingting Wang | Science | Networking breakfast for LTU AgriBio students | Developing professional skills and networking breakfast for LTU AgriBio students. |
Murray Neuzerling | Mathematics and Statistic | Graduate Reading Group for Mathematics and Statistics | Reading group for advanced topics in mathematics and statistics |
Nicholas Anthony, Hannah Coughlan, Christopher Bedford, Michael Sear | Physics | Physics Careers Night | Across University careers night for physics students |
Renuka Balasubramaniam, Tam Thanh Tran, Ha Thi Ngoc Le, Thi Thu Thuy Trieu | Law | Asia Pacific | Seminar(s) for international students seeking guidance on effective ways of publicising their research through networking in our home countries with the most appropriate audiences |
Richard Turner | History | The Bendigo Graduate Research Society | Establish a Bendigo Graduate Research Society affiliated to the BSA |
Victoria Weale, Bridget Langing, Christine While, Kate Silburn | Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing | From research to publication - what helps and how to overcome barriers | Panel discussion with experienced internal and external speakers |