External events and training

A range of training programs and workshops designed to upskill researchers are offered through a number of organisiations outside La Trobe. The following is a list of workshops offered through national research infrastructure capabilities.

Digital Research Skills Australasia

DReSA makes it easier for learners, trainers, and training providers to find digital research skills-focused educational events and resources by aggregating information in one place, focusing on Australasian events.

Visit the DReSA website


1 hour per session

National Computational Infrastructure: Introduction to Gadi (HPC)

Gadi is Australia’s most powerful supercomputer, a highly parallel cluster comprising more than 150,000 processor cores on ten different types of compute nodes. Gadi accommodates a wide range of tasks, from running climate models to genome sequencing, from designing molecules to astrophysical modelling.

Introduction to Gadi - Part 1 is designed for new users, or users that want a refresher on the basics of Gadi. Part 2 naturally follows on from Part 1, and is designed for beginners or users looking for a refresher on Gadi basics.

Upcoming Course Dates and Times

Cost: FREE!


1 hour per session

Australian BioCommons Webinar Series

Examples of previous webinar topics:

  • Making sense of phosphoproteomics data with Phosphomatics.
  • Detection of and phasing of hybrid accessions in a target capture dataset.
  • Getting started with command line bioinformatics.

Upcoming Webinar Dates and Times

Previous Webinars

Cost: FREE!