For more information and to be kept up-to-date with events, contact the individual event organiser.

Twilight Tour

Join us for a tour of the Sanctuary! We'll hopefully see possums, bats, birds, the odd gecko and other local wildlife. Bookings essential


Islamic New Year Celebration Dinner

RESIDENITAL EVENT: Residents who RSVP via the app can attend the dining hall for a free dinner celebration for the Islamic calendar. This includes a free 2 course dinner with […]


Residential Induction Dinner

RESDIENTIAL EVENT A induction session compulsory for all new residents on campus to learn the ins and outs of Living at La Trobe, how they can be connected and the […]


Bendigo NAIDOC Celebrations

Plaza, Bendigo Campus

Celebrate NAIDOC Week with us at La Trobe University! This year's theme, "Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud," honors the resilience and spirit of Indigenous communities. The event […]


Welcome to Culture NAIDOC event

Celebrate NAIDOC Week with a screening of a 'Welcome To Culture'. This will then followed by a lunch and group discussion


Melbourne (Bundoora) NAIDOC Celebrations

Ngarn-gi Bagora (Agora East, Level 2)

Celebrate NAIDOC Week with us at La Trobe University! This year's theme, "Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud," honors the resilience and spirit of Indigenous communities. Please join […]


Let’s Go to Bounce

RESIDENTIAL EVENT: Residents who sign up via the app get to go to an off-campus excursion to Bounce trampoline warehouse.


Mildura NAIDOC Celebrations

Brian Grogan Student Lounge 471 Benetook Ave, Mildura, VIC, Australia

Celebrate NAIDOC Week with us at La Trobe University! This year's theme, "Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud," honors the resilience and spirit of Indigenous communities. Join us […]


Paint N Sip Night

RESIDENTIAL EVENT: Residential studenst are invited to a night of chill painting and socialising to get to know one another right before Semester 2 kicks off.


Free Lunch at Charlie’s Kebabs

RESIDENTIAL EVENT: Residents who sign up via the UniLife app get the opportunity to collect a free lunch from an on campus vendor during opening hours.


Community Day

RESIDENTIAL EVENT: This is a communtiy based event for all residential students staying on campus. Residents recieve free groceries and long-life items, a BBQ lunch. This is an oppoeruntiy for […]


Welcome to Sport

Ready to get active and have some fun? During Semester 2 Orientation, La Trobe Sport is offering FREE COURT ACCESS to all students! Whether you're into basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, or […]