Fair Trade

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is a third-party verified system of trade that provides better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By receiving a fair price for goods, producers are protected against fluctuations in world market prices. An additional amount of money is also provided to producers for investment in social, environmental and economic development in their community, such as medical and educational facilities.

Fairtrade provides a better deal for farmers and workers in the developing world through:

  • providing a fair and stable price for their goods
  • providing the security of long-term contracts for workers
  • investing in local community development
  • improving working conditions for workers
  • adopting environmentally sustainable farming methods
  • gaining skills necessary to successfully operate in the global economy.

In 2010, a joint La Trobe University student and staff application was submitted and accepted by the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand, accrediting La Trobe as the third Fair Trade University in Australia. Through an agreement with the Association, La Trobe is committed to sourcing ethically responsible products where possible and promoting Fair Trade products on all campuses.

In 2013, 20 out of 26 (77%) of retail outlets on the Melbourne campus offered a Fairtrade option. Fairtrade Certified tea and coffee are mandated as default in the University's office consumables contract for staff.

For further information you can read La Trobe's Fairtrade Policy.

Fair Trade on Campus

Check out this video about some of our on-campus fair trade activities, as featured in the 2014 Green Gown Awards: