Acknowledgement and referencing help

 female smiling at camera in library with textbook in front of her, seated at desk

Scholars must be very careful about acknowledging where information and ideas came from. Different disciplines have specific ways of referencing and you need to know these rules. Referencing properly requires practice and takes time to master, particularly if you have never had to do it before starting your studies here. Become more confident by getting the referencing help you need.

The Library has useful guides which can help you out, as well as an interactive academic referencing tool, which will provide examples of the specific type of referencing required in your area of study.

The Manchester Phrase Bank has useful terms you can use to refer to other people's work.

Why reference?

Discover why referencing is so important.

Acknowledging your sources

Practice referencing the ideas of others in your own work.


Understanding your sources.

Subject specific examples

Find out how to reference in your subject.